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Case 1 (Level 3 - 4)


This is a 2minute piece of English interview for pilots (face to face), based on the ICAO requirements:


The characteristics below are according to the Fluency component from the ICAO holistic rating scale:


Pre-operational 3: Produces stretches of language, but phrasing and pausing are often inappropriate. Hesitations or slowness in language processing may prevent effective communication. Fillers are sometimes distracting.


Operational 4: Produces stretches of language at an appropriate tempo. There may be occasional loss of fluency on transition from rehearsed or formulaic speech to spontaneous interaction, but this does not prevent effective communication. Can make limited use of discourse markers or connectors. Fillers are not distracting.


So, according to the information above, what's your opinion about the guy's (interviewee's) fluency? Does it prevent effective communication in order to fail the operational Level 4?












If it's hard to evaluate, take this other piece of information from the DOC 9835 to help:


"4.6.5    Fluency

For our purposes, fluency is intended to refer to the naturalness of the flow of speech production, the degree to which comprehension is hindered by any unnatural or unusual hesitancy, distracting starts and stops, distracting fillers (em … huh … er …) or inappropriate silence. Levels of fluency will be most apparent during longer utterances in an interaction. They will also be affected by the degree of expectedness of the preceding input which is dependent on familiarity with scripts or schemata described in Chapter 3."


De acordo com o Free dictionary on line (ou com a literatura), "schemata" é  "a mental model of aspects of the world or of the self that is structured in such a way as to facilitate the processes of cognition and perception", ou seja, é o processo mental do examinando que é estruturado e vai se estruturando de acordo com as suas experiências de mundo. Diante de uma prova de proficiência linguística, é importante levarmos em consideração o quanto realista são as experiências propiciadas pela prova de proficiência e por quem as aplicam, pois tudo não passa de uma questão política institucional, e que deve ser a mais significante possível, principalmente para o examinando, quem não sabe de nada sobre o que está por vir durante a prova, e é passível de um modelo de performance esperado pelo locutor/examinador:


"(...) the basic exchange structures will sometimes be extended by the embedding of subordinate exchanges thereby producing complex exchanges, (DOC 9835)."




Case 2

Coming soon...

Can we help you identify your difficulties with Fluency? Get in touch with us:

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